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Pregnancy Update 0-12 Weeks

5-6 Weeks: 

My only symptoms at this time were period like cramps and I was 5 days late on my period, but because of the harsh cramping I was so confused. Anyways I eventually realized I was pregnant and after researching I found out that some women will feel uterine or round ligament stretching in the first few weeks of pregnancy. They feel exactly like the dull aching horrible period cramps. I have suffered from painful and heavy periods since I was fourteen and these cramps were not the worst the I had experienced. They felt like my cramps after I doctored myself with pain medication. Since they weren't too bad I hadn't taken any pain killers at all (thank God!) I had these cramps for a few more weeks. I didn't have any inkling of nausea and thought I was going to be one of those lucky women who didn't get nausea... well I wasn't one of those lucky women.

7-8 Weeks: 

Oh, hello pregnancy nausea! My first episode was very typical. I woke up and went to the bathroom and started dry heaving like crazy and eventually vomited until my stomach was empty. It was horrible and I literally thought my stomach was going to puke up the baby. Usually when I feel like I'm going to puke I get cold sweats and this tingle sensation on the back of my neck and sometimes I will get tunnel vision too. The entire time I experienced my nausea episodes the only feeling I had was burning in my stomach and ridiculously strong and loud dry heaving. I'm pretty sure my neighbors could hear me dry heaving it was so loud. I found that I would puke if I gave in, but if I immediately lied in a horizontal position the feeling would go away... therefore I spent much of the next month laying on my back most of the day unless I needed to mictrate or feed myself.

At 8 weeks I had my first ultrasound and saw the heartbeat before the midwife did. I think this was the moment when it hit my husband that there was a baby inside me. He looked so genuinely happy staring at the ultrasound screen. I had already gained 8 pounds and was 119 pounds all together. The midwife prescribed to me 8mg Zofran for nausea. This stuff was created for cancer patients who experienced nausea after chemo treatments so it was supposed to be good stuff.

9-12 Weeks: 

My nausea got progressively worse... and worse... and worse. I couldn't even walk from the couch to the toilet without going into a fit dry heaving. Fortunately I was able to keep myself calm and I only vomited a total of 4 times during my entire pregnancy (so far.) The Zofran did nothing and I was already on a high dose. It was also disgusting as it was a melting tablet and tasted like artificial bitter strawberries. Since it wasn't working I stopped taking it completely. I found it hard to just simply make myself a sandwich and a few times I had to have a family member come over and make me food. I was weak and tired and losing my mind from laying on the couch all day. I was starting to get depressed.

I finally had my 12 week ultrasound and got to see my baby in 3D! Baby already had all their fingers and toes, a nose, lips, and little ears. It was amazing how much of a person baby already was even though they weighed only 1 oz at the time! I also got to see an actual doctor instead of a midwife and my doctor was concerned because over the last month I had dropped 1 pound and was down to 118. She asked me what my symptoms were and it turns out that I had (and still have) acid reflux and the Zofran doesn't help with this. I was told to take Zantac 75mg twice a day instead. Upon taking my first pill I felt so much relief! I actually felt HUNGRY for the first time in weeks! I ate an omelette the size of my plate and was still hungry for more. It felt so good to be hungry and not nauseous for once. I'll admit I'm pretty upset that I was prescribed the wrong medication and suffered for so many weeks. I feel like if the midwife had simply asked me a few more questions about my symptoms she would have realized I had reflux. I might be holding a bit of a grudge. While the Zantac did me good for the first two weeks I took I experienced an unexpected side effect which will be discussed in m next post.

What were your first trimester symptoms and how did you deal with them?

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