The past month I have been fortunate to spend the most comfortable part of my pregnancy with my family. My sister and 3 of my aunts came into town and I went to Disney World! My sister's son is 4 years old and I wanted to be with him for his first Disney experience. While the park wasn't as crazy busy as I have ever seen it, it was still a bit to crowded for my comfort. It was around 85 degrees out, but luckily I was able to find a nice shady spot to rest in while my family went on most of the rides. I was pushed in a wheel chair to keep my blood pressure normal (not that I have any blood pressure issues) but Florida is known to bless many with heat strokes! I was able to go on most of the rides too! All rides are actually wheel chair friendly and when you reach the end of line I was able to hop out of my chair and onto the ride. The rides I was able to go on were Winnie the Pooh, Buzz Light-year, Haunted Mansion, The new Little Mermaid, Small World, and I could have gone on Pirates of the Caribbean if it weren't broken :( I was fine the day at the park, but the next day I was super exhausted and it took about 3 days of sleep to feel back to normal again.
I had a 24 week ultrasound and received some beautiful pictures of baby's face. My sister and nephew came with me and they both thoroughly enjoyed the scan! Her measurements are all normal and the technician said she has very long legs like her daddy! I can attest to this because now when she moves I feel her in multiple places instead of just one so she is reaching from one side of my stomach all the way to the other side. She has also found my ribs and thunked me a few times. That is not comfortable! My acid reflex does not come every day anymore. I think little girl is also agitating a nerve in the front portion of my uterus which is causing a radiating pain that travels down toward my pubic bone occasionally. I still have a belly button!
I finally got to sit down with my doctor and discuss my natural and intervention free birth plans. She was mostly supportive of my wishes. She is a huge advocate of vaginal births and her cesarean rate is under %10. She assured me that I can labor as long as I want to without pressure for inducing labor and she would even let me labor for as long as I want after my water breaks as long as my temperature and baby's heart rate is normal. She did say that I could push baby without direction and in any position that I wanted, but she did mention that she has only delivered 4 babies on hands-and-knees position and she wanted me to be aware that she might be clumsy in that position. I appreciated her honesty and I am totally comfortable with improving her experience in that department! She supports my thoughts on kangaroo care (immediate skin to skin contact after birth,) she practices delayed cord clamping, and agrees that eye ointment and Vit K is unnecessary immediately after birth. Unfortunately she was not supportive of my thoughts on EFM monitoring. She wants me on the monitor for 15 minutes every hour (and when you're in labor that can feel like every 5 minutes.) I have concluded from my own research that manual heart rate monitoring by fetoscope is safer than EFM machines which have increased cesarean rates and not decreased the risk of brain damage or maternal deaths in women and babies who use them. She feels uncomfortable using the fetoscope simply because her nurses are not trained to use them... which has me concerned because in the event of a power outage how would they monitor labor? It's Florida in the middle of hurricane season so there is a likely chance! I think that I will bring this topic up with the lead of the maternity ward at my hospital when I take the tour.
I am in shock that the 2nd trimester is already over. I am feeling the urge to finish up the baby's room, complete my birth plan, and start packing my labor and delivery bag. I know it's still so early, but what I can finish now I won't have to stress about later! I feel like we are officially on the count down!
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